Modeled NOEL
This was inspired by Pottery Barn’s NOEL and the House of Hawthorn’s beautiful Zinc-like 25.
Unfinished 18” NOEL from $17.99
Black acrylic paint
Gray acrylic paint
Light Red Oxcide acrylic paint
Lipstick Red acrylic paint
I began by coating the entire NOEL with black paint.
Then I let it dry and sanded it lightly. I took a brush and lightly dry brushed with gray and Light Red Oxcide (FolkArt). I let dry to the touch.
Finally, I heavily dry brushed with Lipstick Red (FolkArt). I sprayed with Acrylic Sealer to finish.
The entire project took me about 30 minutes. I am not sure I needed to dry brush with gray as it is not very visible in the finished project.
Categorised as: Christmas, Crafting, Decor, Holidays, Home, Uncategorized, Wood
I don’t know where I’ve been — I may have seen the “Noel” in other settings but it didn’t register until I saw your project. Love it! And thank you for the tip to Unfinishedwoodco. I had no idea — you have opened up a world of new possibilities
Jan, Thank you. I am glad you found me and unfinishedwoodco. I took a look at your blog. You do beautiful work.
Great blog. Cheers for posting