31 Days of Letters!
I am ringing in the New Year with 31 Days of the most uniquely decorated wooden letters on the Internet.
When I set out to find 31 letters, I was instantly amazed by the variety and creativity. I found letters decorated with everything from simple paints and stains to recycled toys and lights to smashed beer caps and wine bottle cork. And, I am sure I haven’t seen it all. I can’t wait for more inspiration in 2014.
If you comment on any of the projects or post about your own original idea, you will be automatically entered to win a $50 voucher to unfinishedwoodco.com. You may comment once per day.
**The winner will be chosen Monday, February 3rd.**
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Categorised as: Children, Crafting, Decor, Home, Paint, Wood
Hi thanks so much for sharing this over at “Meet the Neighbors” linky party I’ll be interested so see all the letters
Thanks so much for hosting the party. I hope you enjoy the letters! Make sure to post for a chance to win $50 to unfinishedwoodco.com.